How it started

As some of you may or may not know…the running bug bit me lastyear (2012 Super Bowl weekend). My amazing Aunt who had started her own running, biking and swimming journey doing IronGirl races was getting healthy, looking absolutely more gorgeous and meeting her goals. 

She lovingly told me that if she could do it I could definitely.  I didn't quite listen to her wisdom immediately until one day browsing photos we had just taken over the holidays.

It floored me to see just how unhealthy I looked. And that's just how I I felt was even worse. I had little to Zilch energy. Didn't sleep well, felt sick all the time. I knew I had to do something.

How can I be an example for my family?  So by the end of January 2012
I signed upfor an 6 week 5K running group at my local running shoe store and raced my first 5K last March 11, 2012 (Kelly St. Patrick's Day Shamrock 5K) Since then I have continued to build upon what I learned throughout my running journey.  I'm not at all the fastest and that's okay. We all have to start somewhere and that is all that matters...starting and not looking back.
